[POSTPONED] MuSkLE 2020: impact of physical exercise on the entire musculoskeletal system
- Campus Santé Innovations - Faculté de Médecine
Batiment CIS - Amphi Simone Veil
10, chemin de la Marandière
42270 Saint-Priest en Jarez
The objective of the MuSkLE (Musculo-Skeletal system, Locomotion, Exercise) consortium is to identify the impact of physical exercise, in particular locomotor activities, on the entire musculoskeletal system in different physiological and pathophysiological contexts.
By performing a real interdisciplinary research on this topic, our ambition is to be recognized at the international level for our research and training on tissue and cell interactions involved in the plasticity of the musculoskeletal system.
This conference will offer the opportunity to highlight both fundamental research carried out at a preclinical level and investigations conducted in healthy volunteers or cohorts of patients. Cellular, molecular and functional approaches will be discussed during this conference (flash presentations and posters).
- Walter Herzog, University of Calgary
- Paolo Bonaldo, University of Padova
- Damien Freyssenet, University of Saint-Etienne - LIBM
- Florence Ruggiero, ENS Lyon
- Mickael Begon, University of Montréal
- Matthias Landgraf, University of Cambridge
- Katrien De Bock, University of Zurich