Paris 2024: the Physics Laboratory vibrates to the rhythm of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Fri, 13/09/2024 News Research and sports can be closely linked. This is demonstrated by the Physics Laboratory of ENS de Lyon, which has long been involved in work to improve sporting performance. As the Olympic and Paralympic Games draw to a close, let's take a look at the contribution science makes to sport. Article
Discover the sports program at ENS de Lyon Fri, 01/09/2023 News Sports "discovery" week from September 4 to 8: come and try out the courses offered by the Sports Centre! Article
Kurage: a new start-up hosted at the ENS de Lyon Tue, 29/01/2019 News The start-up was matured with the support of the Physics laboratory and more particularly Amine Metahni, CNRS Research engineer. Article
A model for describing the hydrodynamics of crowds Fri, 04/01/2019 Press release, Publication Publication by Laboratoire de physique in Sciences on January 4, 2019. CNRS national press release. Article
Inauguration in Lyon of the first sports gym dedicated to people with motor disabilities Fri, 12/10/2018 News The ANTS association inaugurates the S.P.O.R.T. gym (Stimulating People & Organizing Recreational Therapies) on October 12, 2018. Article
Sciences 2024: Athletes and scientists team up for the 2024 Olympic games Mon, 24/09/2018 News The project Sciences 2024 aims at helping high-level French sportspeople improve their performance for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, by providing them with research conducted by scientists and students from 11 top Grandes Écoles and the CNRS. Article
Sport facilities ENS de Lyon has two gyms, one of which is equipped with a climbing wall, a tennis court, 2 weights rooms as well as a dance room. Content
Physique du Sport et du Handisport Physics of Sport and Handisport Status [closed] 2017-2019 Type Junior Laboratory Research Unit
[POSTPONED] MuSkLE 2020: impact of physical exercise on the entire musculoskeletal system Conference from Thu, 14/05/2020 to Fri, 15/05/2020 Event