Field: Astrophysics
Research: Exploring the physics of Proto-stars and Extra-solar Planets
The PEPS project is dedicated to the understanding of low-mass star, brown dwarf and giant planet formation and evolution and to the characterization of their internal structure and observable properties. The aim is to develop a sound theoretical foundation and a new generation of modelling tools, in close interaction with observing and experimental programs. The ultimate goal of the project is to provide a consistent description of the different stages from the very formation process to the long term evolution for these objects, characterizing the initial conditions of star/planet formation and exploring their impact on the subsequent mechanical (mass, radius, internal structure and composition), thermal (surface temperature, luminosity) and spectral properties. A dedicated part of the project will focus on exo-Earth planets and on the identification of bio-signatures in their atmosphere, opening an avenue to exobiology.
Max ERC Funding
2 376 000 €
Start date: 2010-06-01, End date: 2016-05-31
ERC Advanced Grant
ERC Advanced Grants support excellent and investigator-initiated research projects by leading advanced researchers of any nationality. Applicants may be at any stage of their research career if they have a track-record of significant research achievements of the last 10 years.
Depending on their individual research field, applicants will be expected to match the following benchmarks: publications as senior author in major international journals, (translated) monographs, patents, conference presentations, research expeditions, involvement in the organization of international conferences, and recognition through scientific prizes/awards or memberships in well-recognised academies.
Gilles Chabrier
Research director at CRAL
Photo credit: Mark McCaughrean