Created in January 2016 by ENS de Lyon and CNRS, the Education Laboratory is the foundation of an interdisciplinary hot house project in the field of education and learning research. It is based on five partners: the ICAR and LARHRA joint research units, the Max Weber Center and the Triangle and the IFE (French Institute of Education). Within the Lyon-Saint-Etienne division, UMS has integrated with the Federative Research Structure and as well as its research themes and the activities of the EduCoLa Academic College (Education, Cognition, Language).
There are 4 main thematic areas of interest:
- Education and learning - learning sciences. Examples of themes within the hot house are: the socio-cognitive processes underlying learning, the conditions that make this learning possible, the interactions with the environment, and the collaborative resolution of problems.
- Education and societies. Educational action, the conditions of its realization, along with the modalities of its functioning have complex social implications. Education is not confined to school, various areas of socialization are experienced by individuals with implications that vary with age, social status, gender, ethnic origin... All these questions will be subject to projects examined by the laboratory.
- Public Action and educational institutions. The interdisciplinary hothouse will support research actions on how social groups, institutional systems and public policies interact to build, orient, implement and regulate educational activities and training.
- Interfaces: valorization, restitution. The importance of the social stakes of education demands extensive consultation, or even collaboration with stakeholders outside the academic system. It is with this purpose in mind that the joint-research units want to develop an "Interfaces" hub that will help to:
- Contribute to the visibility of research
- Ensure the interface between scientific, professional, and political worlds
- Encourage the emergence of new research themes
- and promote their integration into national and international dynamics of the same order, contributing to networking.
Specificity of the LLE: to be a project incubator by supporting two types of action: hosting teams carrying out emerging projects and the organization of exploratory workshops on new or discussed topics in the field of research on education and learning.