2023: a harvest of CNRS Talents Fri, 22/12/2023 Honors and awards Congratulations to ENS de Lyon Talents, awarded at the regional CNRS Talents ceremony on Tuesday December 19, 2023. Article
2022 JoRISS call for Sino-French research projects Wed, 15/03/2023 Call for applications Find the selected project for the 2022 JoRISS call. Article
Creation of the Institute of Mathematics for planet Earth Tue, 25/05/2021 News The CNRS and its partners are creating a new scientific interest group to bring together their mathematics skills to help the environment. Article
3D Genomics 2020 - Interdisciplinary School in 3D Genomics: From experiments to models and back Summer / Winter school from Sun, 22/11/2020 to Fri, 27/11/2020 Event
HYP20 - International Conference on Hyperpolarisation International Conference / Symposium from Sun, 05/09/2021 to Thu, 09/09/2021 Event
Meso school 2021 “Fundamentals and Advances in Mesoscopic Quantum Physics: Quantum circuits, Topology and Correlations” Summer / Winter school from Mon, 04/10/2021 to Fri, 15/10/2021 Event
Avalanche Dynamics and Precursors of Catastrophic Events Summer / Winter school from Sun, 03/02/2019 to Fri, 08/02/2019 In nature as well as in many technical applications, one encounters the sometimes problematic phenomenon of intermittent dynamics, associated to avalanches, that are complex geometrical objects on scales that can span many orders of magnitude. Event
New Challenges in Turbulence Research V Summer / Winter school from Sun, 07/04/2019 to Fri, 12/04/2019 The NCTRV school will offer 21 h of lectures at the same time pedagogical and of the highest level on some of the major topics of the current research on turbulence. Event
[POSTPONED] FC2G-Chem: French-Chinese conference on Green Chemistry Conference from Mon, 21/09/2020 to Thu, 24/09/2020 Event
AMDS2020 - International conference on Algebraic Methods in Dynamical Systems International Conference / Symposium from Mon, 16/11/2020 to Wed, 18/11/2020 Event
New Challenges in Turbulence Research VI Summer / Winter school from Sun, 07/02/2021 to Fri, 12/02/2021 Event
Environmental Fluid Dynamics: Confronting Grand Challenges Summer / Winter school from Sun, 20/01/2019 to Fri, 25/01/2019 Environmental fluid dynamics underlies a wealth of natural, industrial and societal challenges. Event
My Thesis in 180 seconds: final 2022 Other Tue, 31/05/2022 My Thesis in 180 Seconds, the international Francophone competition launched in Quebec, is back for the eighth time in France. Inspired by the Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition, MT180 is led in France Universités and the CNRS, and has been developed locally by volunteer university groups. In Lyon & Saint-Étienne, the competition is organized by the Université de Lyon on behalf of its member institutions. Event
12th SFR Biosciences Scientific Day - Controlled experimental environments: from cells to ecosystems Workshop Tue, 25/06/2019 Event
10th anniversary IGFL Symposium International Conference / Symposium from Thu, 30/03/2023 to Fri, 31/03/2023 Event
Études avancées sur la complexité du langage - ASLAN Advanced studies on language complexity Type LABEX Research Unit
Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon - CRAL Lyon Astrophysics Research Center Status UMR 5574 Type Laboratory Research Unit
Constitution de la modernité : raison, politique, religion - COMOD Constitution of modernity: reason, politics, religion Type LABEX Research Unit
Construction, fonction cognitive, réhabilitation et réparation du cortex - CORTEX Construction, cognitive function, rehabilitation and repair Type LABEX Research Unit
Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon st Etienne - GATE Economic Analysis and Theory Group Status UMR5824 Type Former laboratory Research Unit
Eco-Efficient Products and Processes Laboratory - E2P2L Status International research lab (IRL 3464) Type International and joint research units Research Unit
Interactions, Corpus, Apprentissages et Représentations - ICAR Interactions, Corpus, Learning, Representation Status UMR 5191 Type Laboratory Research Unit
TRIANGLE. Action, Discours, Pensée Politique et Economique Action, discourse, political and economic thought Status UMR 5206 Type Laboratory Research Unit
Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon: Terre, Planètes, Environnement - LGL-TPE Laboratory of Geology of Lyon: Earth, Planets, Environment Status UMR 5276 Type Laboratory Research Unit
Institut d'Histoire des Représentations et des Idées dans les Modernités - IHRIM Institute of History of Representations and Ideas in Modernities Status UMR 5317 Type Laboratory Research Unit
Laboratoire de L'Éducation - LLE The Education Laboratory Status UAR 3773 Type Laboratory Research Unit
Laboratoire de Biologie et de Modélisation de la Cellule - LBMC Laboratory of Biology and Modelling of the Cell Status UMR 5239 Type Laboratory Research Unit
Institute for MUltiscale Science & Technology - iMUST Institute for MUltiscale Science & Technology Type LABEX Research Unit
Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme - LIP Parallel Computation Laboratory Status UMR 5668 Type Laboratory Research Unit
Unité de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées - UMPA Pure and Applied Mathematics Unit Status UMR 5669 Type Laboratory Research Unit
Dynamique éco-évolutive des maladies infectieuses - ECOFECT Eco-evolutionary dynamics of infectious diseases Type LABEX Research Unit
Histoire, Archéologie et Littératures des Mondes Chrétiens et Musulmans Médiévaux - CIHAM History, Archaeology, Literatures of the medieval Christian & Muslim worlds Status UMR 5648 Type Laboratory Research Unit
Physique, Radiobiologie, Imagerie Médicale et Simulation - PRIMES Physics, Radiobiology, Medical Imaging and Simulation Type LABEX Research Unit
Centre international de recherche en infectiologie - CIRI Status UMR 5308 Type Laboratory Research Unit
Centre de RMN à très hauts champs de Lyon - CRMN Very High Field NMR Center of Lyon Status UMR 5082 Type Laboratory Research Unit
Maison des sciences de l’Homme Lyon St-Etienne - MSH Center for Human Sciences Status UAR 2000 Type Laboratory Research Unit