Congratulations to Édouard Bonnet (LIP), Mathilde Paris (IGFL) and Stephan Steinmann (LCH), recipients of the 2023 bronze medal awarded by the CNRS.
Since 1954, the CNRS has been rewarding researchers each year for their work. The bronze medal rewards the first work of a researcher, which makes him or her a promising specialist in his or her field.
ENS de Lyon is proud to count three members of its research laboratories among the winners of the 2023 Bronze medal.

Édouard Bonnet
Computer Science
CNRS Researcher in graph theory at the Parallel Computation Laboratory (LIP, CNRS/ENS de Lyon/Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University).

Mathilde Paris
Evolution and development
CNRS Researcher in evolution and development at the Institute of Functional Genomics of Lyon (IGFL, CNRS/ENS de Lyon), specialist in the bioinformatics study of animal genomes.
ENS de Lyon alumnus, Sciences 2001 competitive exam.

Stephan Steinmann
Theoretical chemistry
CNRS Researcher at the Chemistry Laboratory (LCH, CNRS/ENS de Lyon), specialist in molecular modeling of solid/liquid and solid/gas interfaces.