Natalia Solomatova receives one of the AGU Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Student Research Awards

Natalia Solomatova receives one of the AGU Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Student Research Awards

Tue, 21/08/2018

Honors and awards

Natalia Solomatova is the recipients of one of the 2018 AGU Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Awards for her PhD thesis work.

Established in 1990, the Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Award is given annually to one or more promising young scientists (current Ph.D. students and individuals who have completed the degree requirements for a Ph.D. or highest equivalent terminal degree up to 12 months prior to the nomination deadline) in recognition of outstanding contributions achieved during their Ph.D. research.

Natalia Solomatova received her PhD from the California Institute of Technology where she investigated iron-bearing lower-mantle minerals using synchrotron experiments with Prof. Jennifer Jackson and theoretical calculations with Prof. Paul Asimow. Today she works with Prof. Razvan Caracas at ENS de Lyon to study volatile-bearing silicate melts to improve our understanding of the moon-forming impact.

The honorees and their achievements will be recognized at AGU’s Fall Meeting 2018 in Washington, D. C.
