The accessit was awarded to Dewi Sintiari for her thesis "Width parameters on even-hole-free graphs", conducted under the supervision of Nicolas Trotignon at LIP.
The "Charles Delorme" Graphs Thesis Prize is an annual prize created in 2016 by the family of Charles Delorme to honor his memory and work. The prize rewards each year an excellent thesis in Graphs (theory and algorithmics). The jury, composed of academics and researchers, selects the winner and may distinguish accessits, among the thesis defended during the academic year.
In 2022, an accessit was awarded to Ni Luh Dewi Sintiari for her thesis "Width parameters on even-hole-free graphs", conducted under the supervision of Nicolas Trotignon at LIP. The Charles Delorme Prize was awarded during the Journées Graphes et Algorithmes 2022, which were held at ENS Ulm from November 16 to 18.
After a bachelor's degree in Mathematics Education at Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Indonesia, Dewi Sintiari joined ENS de Lyon in 2016 for master's degree in Theoretical Computer Science. She carried out her PhD projects at LIP under the direction of Nicolas Trotignon, which she defended in 2021.
Today, Dewi Sintiari is junior lecturer and researcher at the Informatics Engineering Department, Computer Science Study Program, of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Indonesia.
Ni Luh Dewi Sintiari thesis "Width parameters on even-hole-free graphs"
A graph is a mathematical data structure defined as a pair of a finite set of elements called vertices and a finite set of elements called edges, each of which has two associated vertices. Graphs are used to model all sorts of interconnected things, such as networks. Every object in the network is represented by a vertex in the graph, and the edges represent a pairwise relation between those objects.
There are many practical problems that can be modeled using graphs, and graphs have been applied in many areas of real-world systems, such as Computer Science, Computer Networks, Social Science, Physics and Chemistry, even Linguistics.
Among the study of graphs topics, one that attracts many researchers is “Structural Graph Theory”. In this thesis, we investigate a particular subject in structural graph theory, which is called “hereditary classes of graphs” and more specifically the class of “even-hole-free graphs”. The main concern in this field is to study how excluding certain configurations affects the overall structure of the graphs and what types of structure allows efficient algorithms for graph classes.