Olivier Hamant, biologist, RDP

  • INRAE Research Director
  • Elect EMBO member in 2024

(Photo credit: INRAE, C. Slagmulder)


A biologist by profession, he tries to understand how plants use forces to control their development, by combining molecular and cellular biology, mechanics and modeling approaches.

Alongside this research, he is engaged in a training program exploring the many implications of the Anthropocene at ENS de Lyon and with the House of Cultures of the World in Berlin. In keeping with his biological research and the numerous implications of the Anthropocene, he has been involved in several projects involving the humanities and the arts, particularly around the issues of complexity, resilience and fragility of biological systems.

Olivier Hamant, author of several essays questioning the notion of robustness, heads the Michel Serres Institute and works on emerging relationships between humanity and nature.
