IXXI is a research center located at ENS Lyon. It associates national research institutes (CNRS, INRIA) with local universities (University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lumière Lyon 2, Jean Moulin Lyon 3, INSA de Lyon, enssib, University Grenoble Alpes, University Savoie Mont Blanc) to promote research at the crossroads of different disciplines to address contemporary challenges. Networks are at the heart of our interests, from network science to the analysis of the impact of the digital revolution on economy or social organization. IXXI is structured around a lab with resident teams, the animation of a regional community around emergent projects, as well as master classes.
IXXI uses four steps to help creating interdisciplinary teams:
- Animation of the community through workshops, seminar, IXXI-days to promote discussions between disciplines.
- Support emergent projects: two calls per year (spring – falls). This is an easy (but small) financing to support emergent projects/events without disciplinary barriers.
- Hosting researchers that are at the heart of the community through their scientific fields. Currently IXXI hosts three research teams in its project hotel: DANTE - Temporal and Structural Capture Approach; Sisyphe - Signals, Systems and Physics; Dice - Data economy.
- Teaching: IXXI has created a Master (2nd year) on “modeling of complex systems”, which is a common option for students in Masters of mathematics, computer science, physics and biology.
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