Damien Stehlé, professor of computer science, Lip



Damien Stehlé is a teacher-researcher in computer science at the Parallelism Computer Science Laboratory (LIP).

He completed his PhD thesis in computer science under the supervision of Paul Zimmermann, in Nancy, Lorraine Research laboratory in Computer Science and its Applications (Loria). His work focused on algorithmic Euclidean networks and its computer arithmetic applications.

He then went to the University of Sydney, for a post-doctoral internship with the Computational Algebra team led by John Cannon and participated in the development of the MAGMA algebraic calculus library.

In 2006, he joined the Arénaire team of LIP as a research officer at the CNRS. From 2008 to 2010, through the help of the universities of Macquarie and Sydney, Ron Steinfeld introduced him to network-based cryptography.

In 2012, he was awarded the bronze medal from the CNRS and in the same year, he became a university professor at École normale supérieure de Lyon.

Awards and honours

Junior IUF member in 2018

Best paper award at the Eurocrypt conference in 2015

Bronze medal of the CNRS in 2012
