Denis Serre, mathematician, UMPA



Born in 1954, Denis Serre joined the École normale supérieure de Saint-Cloud in 1974. He was awarded joint 1st place at the prestigious Mathematics “agrégation” in 1977. He received a postgraduate doctorate in 1978 – under the supervision of Roger Teman – and a doctorate in Science in 1982, both in Orsay.

Currently a professor at the ENS de Lyon – where he has worked since its creation in 1987 – Denis Serre was Director of the Pure and Applied Mathematics unit (UMPA) from 1991 to 1997 and the Mathematics department of the ENS de Lyon from March 2012 to July 2016.

The author of some 150 articles and 3 books, his research focuses on partial derivative equations (EDPs), conservation laws and continuous media mechanics.

Awards and honours

Jacques-Louis Lions Prize from the French Academy of Sciences in 2017

Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) in 2015

Knight of the Order of Academic Palms in 2007

Henri-Poincaré Institute/Gauthier-Villars Prize in 2000

Junior member of the Institut universitaire de France from 1992 to 1997

Blaise-Pascal Prize of the GAMNI-SMAI in 1990


Systems of conservation laws

Systems of conservation laws 1: Hyperbolicity, entropies, shock waves
Systems of conservation laws 2: Geometric structures, oscillations, and initial-boundary value problems

Cambridge University, 1999-2000


