UMR 5669
The Pure and Applied Mathematics Unit (UMPA), is the mathematics laboratory of the École normale supérieure de Lyon. The laboratory is structured into 4 teams:
- Partial Differential Equations (PDE) and Modeling
- Geometry, Groups and Dynamics
- Probabilities
- Number Theory
Bringing together 28 faculty members and CNRS researchers, 6 administrative and computer staff, 6 AGPR and lecturers, 14 PhD students, 3 postdocs, 1 PRAG, the laboratory is also a partner (links available in the menu "Our Networking" at the top right) of:
- InfoMaths Doctoral School (ED 512)
- Labex Milyon
- Research Federation of Mathematics of Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne
and participates in many ANR projects and one ERC project.
UMPA Laboratory sheet

Pure and Applied Mathematics Unit – UMPA
Research laboratory in fundamental mathematics and interactions
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